why write?

i love this quote.
especially the phrase to shape chaos into art.

it’s why i personally choose to write.
not for art necessarily.
(although i’d love it if that were always the end result).

but in an attempt to shape chaos and overwhelm,
disjointed thoughts and unnamed feelings.
into something that makes sense.
into something that helps me get through.
into something that points out purpose and meaning in my life.

something that connects the dots and identifies the patterns.
from seemingly unrelated events into one coherent whole.

that is why i write.
that is why my pen must flow across the page each and every day.
in that rhythmic, familiar, comforting manner.

writing is as important to me as breathing.
the lifeline to my soul.

for me, journaling has long been the gateway to understanding.
a chance to unravel, disentangle,
question, clarify, and confirm.

feelings of grief and of joy.
of anger and of awe,
of bewilderment, guilt, and restlessness.

thoughts of delight and of grandeur,
of intrigue and reflection.

all coming together, coalescing.
into a unified solution, a plan of action.

and so i write.
i figure out my next move.
i stay engaged and excited about my existence.

writing allows me to be who i am.
with no apologies.

do you write?
why do you write?
share your pen-to-paper experiences with me in the comments.
get my free course!

24 Responses to why write?

  1. I write because I have to. I write because it’s like breathing to me. I write because it’s how I learn. I write because it’s how I process my life. I write because it shifts me. I write because it helps me love more deeply. I write because it helps others. I write because I’m suppose to. I write because I love it… OMG.. I have to write. Like you… it is like breathing. Such a beautiful link to my soul…. Blessings to you, fellow writer… Keep writing…. xoxo

  2. Michelle says:

    I write because it feeds my soul. It immerses me in flow. Writing is my greatest passion. I wrote my first “book” at the age of 6, and I’ve never stopped writing. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your writing gifts with us, April. xo

  3. Cathy says:

    Wow. I never thought about why I write – as much as I enjoy it – but my goodness, I could have written the above reasons had I ever sat down to ponder it. My journal lhas been the most important “oeuvre” so far, and It’s become very clear in recent years that it’s the shortest path to hearing the voice of my Soul.

    Thank you for bringing all this to my attention. It reinspires me to continue “bringing order to the chaos”. <3

  4. Susie Mordoh says:

    I am more visual and less of a ‘writer’, however I journal to clear the stuff going on in my head to make ‘white space’ for my ideas and creativity to bubble up. Does that make sense to a writer?

    • April Lee says:

      that makes perfect sense, susie – thank you for the distinct and helpful visual. i too need to “clear the stuff” from my head in order to move on.

  5. Bon says:

    I write because I can’t NOT write. My mother used to say, “My daughter, the writer,” and I would stomp my pre-teen foot and scream, “MUH-THUR! I am an ACT-TRESS!” I was so insulted to be called a writer.

    It’s been how I’ve made a living for 15 years now, but I did it even before there was money. I’ve filled thousands upon thousands of pages in journals and someday, when I die, they’ll find all my writing and, a la Emily Dickinson, they’ll say, “WOW. She wrote so much more than we ever knew.”

    I write because it’s my strongest muscle… it’s how I express, it’s how I teach, it’s how I learn. <3

    • April Lee says:

      “it’s how i express, it’s how i teach, it’s how i learn.” lovely, bon. (and i too have filled thousands upon thousands of pages – many bins full! :))

  6. I write because it’s a way to connect with so many more people. I read for the same reason. Love all of these answers!

  7. Heather says:

    Writing is as important to me as breathing – couldn’t agree more!! From the time I was ten years old I have faithfully kept a journal and don’t know how I would have gotten through the worst times of my life without it.

  8. Cathy Sykora says:

    I believe that writing is a wonderful tool of self-expression. It is also a magnificent way to sort out our inner workings and find our deep self. The ability to write is one of our most versatile tools.

    • April Lee says:

      yes, cathy – i almost think of writing as the ultimate tool of self-expression. among my favorite books to read are famous journals – you can learn so much about a person through their intimate words.

  9. Sam says:

    I really love your writing. It’s like poetry. So I’m glad you do write. xx

  10. I write to help me make sense of the world around me. I have always been drawn to memoir because as a person puts those moments of life on paper, a sense of understanding often occurs. That is also why I like to write memoir and encourage my students to explore small moments in their lives. I was pleased to see Dani Shapiro’s quote. I love her writing. When I went to recheck in on her, I discovered she has written a book on writing called Still Writing. I am checking that out!!

    • April Lee says:

      hey, christy! 🙂 thanks so much for sharing your insights. so wonderful that you are passing your love of writing on to your students. (and dani’s book is on my wish list too.)

  11. Being more of a business person than a writer, I must confess that my reason for writing is more practical … I write because it is a way for me to help people by sharing my knowledge and experience.

    • April Lee says:

      writing is an excellent way to communicate your know-how, laura. not everyone is adept at though – i greatly admire your ability to do so since reading is my preferred way to learn.

  12. Sonia says:

    I’m just learning to write and not judge my writing! I find that writing at the end of the day is really helpful in that it allows me to show gratitude for my life and clear “stuff” that doesn’t serve me. I agree with all of the comments so far.. thanks for this post!

    • April Lee says:

      sonia – i can totally relate to your comment regarding “clearing stuff.” writing helps me to get stuff out of my head and in a more manageable place. once it’s on paper, i can assess whether it’s worth my time. if not, i can easily release it at that point. thanks for visiting.

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