procrastination freezes you.

you’re wasting hours online, but not getting much real work done.
you’re worrying about everything, but not trying to remedy any of it.
you’re even starting to think laundry is fun!
(well, you do need to have clean clothes.)

you’re not completing projects.
you’re not accomplishing goals.
you’re not moving forward.

you’re stalling.

i can relate.
because it hasn’t been the best week for me.

chronic sinus problems.
bureaucratic red tape regarding my business license.
recurring female issues.
holding pattern on south america travel plans.
beginning of son’s orthodontic treatment and upcoming nasal surgery.
lack of patience with my dad’s memory loss and tracking difficulties.
and two sad funeral services to attend on saturday.

valid reasons?
or just excuses?
either way, the fact remains.

procrastination freezes you.
and i am frozen.

there are things i need to be doing.
important things that need to be done.
but every day i push them to the next.

the frosty knife of procrastination has sliced through my momentum.

it’s time to pull myself up and take action.
to break through the ice.
to end the inertia.

and here is my plan.
6 simple techniques to stop procrastinating:

  1. take the first step.
    make that phone call.
    do one lesson.
    write one page.

  3. keep going. don’t quit.
    my new mantra.
    keep going. don’t quit.
    keep going. don’t quit.

  5. establish priorities.
    evaluate everything on my list.
    decide what really needs to be done now.
    then do it.

  7. plan for the next day.
    choose 2 things that i absolutely must do.
    write them on a post-it note.
    put a reminder on my phone.

  9. reward myself for progress.
    with a comforting cup of coffee.
    a 15-minute session with a good book.
    or a brisk walk around the block.

  11. find the source.
    dig deep to gain perspective.
    what’s underneath the icy layer?
    aim for a new direction, seek resolution.

procrastination may freeze you.
but you can thaw.

you’re alive.
you’re breathing.

use my six tactics.
make your life happen.
do you ever hit the glacial wall of procrastination?
what tricks and tips do you use to chop your way through?

get my free course!

41 Responses to procrastination freezes you.

  1. Michelle says:

    April, I will comment on this later.

  2. Michelle says:

    Just kidding! Just kidding! hee hee! 😀

    I am a recovering procrastinator. I feel your pain.

    And just when I think I’ve kicked it to the curb, it rears its ugly head again. Argh.

    I’m going to try rewarding myself this week. I don’t do that often enough. Thank you for the powerful reminder, April. I hope that you have a better week! xo

  3. Angela says:

    Thank your for these tips April, I am a work in progress and these gems will come in very hand as I try to juggle all the things I WANT to do with the things that I NEED to do!

  4. Susie Mordoh says:

    Those 6 steps are great for everyone…procrastinators and all!

  5. Susan Seale says:

    Such simple, useful strategies…I think my favorite is the reward one!

  6. Kelly Hine says:

    These are great simple, achievable steps and obviously coming from someone who knows! I hope things improve next week, you have a lot going on.

    I find that just getting real with myself is the only way. Take a deep breath and JUST DO IT, knowing how much better I’ll feel once it’s done. The less I want to do something, the more satisfaction I get from facing it and getting it done!

    • April Lee says:

      thanks for the well wishes, kelly. and i love your tip – take a deep breath and JUST DO IT. (i have that nike motto hanging on my wall!). excellent advice – imagining how you’ll feel afterwards.

  7. Cheryl says:

    I’ve been doing a lot of this lately. I have to get out and move my body. It gives me such clarity and focus. It also facilitates a good mood and I seem to get great ideas when I am out hiking. 🙂

    • April Lee says:

      moving your body can be such a huge motivator, cheryl. and, yes, the ideas that come while you’re immersed in physical activity (keep a notebook in your pocket!).

  8. Dana says:

    “the frosty knife of procrastination has sliced through my momentum.” I can relate too! I just keep moving and acting on little things until I gain momentum. Exercise and clean whole food helps keep my energy up.

    • April Lee says:

      i am the proud new owner of a vitamix, and it has seemed to inspire me even outside the kitchen. great addition to the procrastination-breaking tips, dana!

  9. Bon says:

    I had a big bout of procrastination during the week and I tweeted something that seemed to really resonate with my followers, causing them to reply and encourage me to get to work. The tweet was: “Yo, fear! Get the eff out of here. You’re causing me to procrastinate and that is NOT cool.”

    I find that if I turn the Internet OFF, I will get a lot more done, as I’ll fool myself into believing I’m being productive by “doing my rounds” on all the social sites and at my mailing list, analyzing stats and engaging with others.

    Love your list. Gonna reward myself with some nice tea right now!

    • April Lee says:

      funny about the tweet, bon (everyone could obviously relate to how you were feeling). and, yes – i too am guilty of telling myself that i’m “working” when i’m doing my social media rounds. love the tea reward. 🙂

  10. keep going. don’t quit. Keep going. Don’t quit… that was my mantra this past week… nice to see it here too… !!!! And grateful for it….Procrastination sure thinks she can run the show eh… but not with these 6 simple techniques… !!!!

  11. Lorna says:

    I would add: Be gentle with yourself.

  12. Marg says:

    Oh April, sending lots of love. I know too well “the frosty knife of procrastination”…love that phrase. It can be sooooo debilitating. Your simple tips are so helpful…just baby steps and being gentle with self…will remember these. Thank you so much for this guidance.

  13. Sue Ann says:

    Procrastination, for me, means the items on my to do list are not particularly inspiring. I try to unpack that. Then, I turn off my procrastination demon (Facebook) and get to work on just one thing. Thanks for the reminder.

  14. Heather says:

    I have learned that what I used to call procrastination (and in turn, beat myself up for it) is many times me being unsure of what to do. I have grand ideas right now for creating a new online class and for weeks felt like I could not get my act together. After a bit of soul searching I realized that I wasn’t really sure of what I wanted to do for this class and decided to approach it more as a fact finding mission that merely getting stuff down on paper.

    • April Lee says:

      wow. excellent introspection on your part, heather. i like how you transformed the procrastination into a “fact finding mission” by digging deep and revealing what was really going on. thanks so much for sharing that.

  15. Zoe Richards says:

    Time for the defreeze! You’re so right, procrastination freezes you.

  16. Sam says:

    What a beautifully written post!
    I love 3 & 4, I always do better when I plan my top 3 things the night before, and I often forget to celebrate what I HAVE done, as I chase the next thing on my too-long to do list.

  17. Tania Mercer says:

    April, I think every human being can relate to what you wrote. I believe procrastination is a part of life, especially in this day and age where we have so many things to distract us and fuel that procrastination! Your simple steps are the antidote. But I do want to tell you, it sounds like you are having an especially tough emotional week. Be gentle on yourself. xo

  18. Susan says:

    Great tips! I’m a recovering procrastinator as well! I’ve learned that baby steps and organization are really the answer for me. They help eliminate that awful 5 ton bag of bricks pressure on my neck! haha I’m going to add in your reward tip too. Thanks!

  19. victoria m. says:

    Hello April! OMG… so… we were having a “procrastinators unite” meeting tomorrow… but we all agreed to move the meeting for the day after tomorrow for different reasons…
    I need to start implementing some of these tips as well… but at the same time I am trying to be gentle with myself and just let the process unfold itself as it should. It is definitively a fine balance. Anyways, BEST OF LUCK!

    • April Lee says:

      hilarious, victoria! i adore that being gentle with oneself has become something of a theme on this comment thread. so imperative for our overall wellness. and allowing “the process to unfold itself.” key.

  20. Anissa says:

    I signed up for a kickboxing class. I think that will help kickstart the thaw (I live in CT), don’t you think…LOL!

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