tapestry grounds me, vibe releases me

full disclosure: i’ve wanted to write a book my entire life.

i literally have pages and pages, notebooks and notebooks, filled with words that were simply-and-always labeled my story. going way back to my elementary school days, most of them residing in storage bins in italy.

the content, the theme, the focus of my story has changed a great deal over the past few decades. at first, my book notes were destined to become a novel. i’ve scribbled down so many fictional passages on so many scraps of paper, immediately following specific moments of inspiration.

now my aim is different. i want to take the title i once wrote in my childish scrawl and truly tell my OWN story. certain selected vignettes comprising a memoir mosaic of sorts . . . the richly-layered tapestry of my uniquely-woven life, closely entwined with my essence7 wellness model.

i’ve decided that 2024 is the year to begin writing it. and TAPESTRY seems like the perfect word to have by my side as i piece together my story, the loose threads and interlaced knots that colorfully illustrate and express my existence.

this WORD OF THE YEAR means so much more to me though. so i’ll be saying much more about TAPESTRY, and my connection to it, as the year progresses.

also, in fourteen years of choosing a word, this is the first time i will be adding a secondary word to the mix. introducing VIBE, my auxiliary word for 2024.

this means i’m going to be checking in frequently with my current VIBE, changing the way i characterize it to align with and adjust to my many mercurial moods.

at present i would describe it as violet layers. i’m not one-hundred-percent sure exactly what that signifies for me. but i’ve been practicing awareness, and i’ve noticed both the color violet and the concept layers popping up a lot. so i’ve decided to go ahead and play with those clues for a while, explore them in more depth.

my word TAPESTRY will accompany and guide me all year. grounding me. my VIBE will be more like alchemy, altering its shape to fit whatever emotional space, atmosphere, or situation i find myself in. releasing me.

TAPESTRY makes me think of heirloom and complexity, of craftsmanship and rare beauty. VIBE feels fresh and energetic to me, hip and in sync. an eclectic and complementary weaving of the old and the new. like other things in my life – my fashion preferences, my interior design choices.

like my story.


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