
so far it’s been a fairly gloomy january. no snow. cold and gray in wallace.

i’ve been easing into the new year, adding a couple of new items into my routine, and rededicating myself to a few previous ones.

things kind of went askew last year after i broke my wrist at the end of march. i’d been sailing along, january through march, so full of energetic hope and so in tune with both body and mind. my daily self-care rituals were truly benefitting me and, for the first time in a long time, i wasn’t finding any reasons to “cheat” or to skip over anything. i was, quite simply, enjoying the feeling of paying attention to my health and well-being. and then life intervened in the form of an unexpected surgery, and i had to adjust to a slightly altered lifestyle. sadly, even though i healed, i never fully returned to that first quarter magic.

this week, i’m just allowing myself space. to recalibrate and to realign. i’ll get back on track with my nucala injections thursday afternoon (nine days later than usual), and i’m finally beginning to get my headaches under control (after six weeks of discomfort and pain). my body seems to be naturally releasing what’s been hindering and ailing me.

next week i plan to announce my 2024 word of the year in my studio notes. i am very excited about what i’ve chosen, and what it will signify for me. i have big plans in store!

but today i’d just like to take a moment to reflect on the previous year. it wasn’t my favorite twelve-month period, but there were definitely both good and bad aspects. i’ve mentioned a few things already >> my supreme self-care at the beginning, my broken wrist and surgery, my journey with nucala. though not perfect, this medication has literally changed my life! before receiving my first injection last january, i was experiencing very dark days and was seriously ready to give up the fight. i can finally breathe clearly again, something i will NEVER take for granted.

let’s see . . . i also turned 60 (i guess a milestone of sorts), eric and i spent our 35th wedding anniversary in beautiful victoria british columbia, i facilitated my fifth retreat in italy (after a four-year hiatus), and i visited a monastery in a serene and tranquil setting. there were, of course, many other magical moments throughout the year as well, most involving close friends and family. and there were pivotal junctures in my two sons’ lives too, that made me ever-more-proud of each of them.

i think that’s enough new-year-rambling for now. yesterday i completed my 2024 vision board, which is framed and displayed on the wall above my desk. each piece selected has special meaning to me, and i am inspired every time i glance in its direction.

okay, back to wintering, visioning, dreaming-and-scheming (at least for three more days) …

p.s. snow began falling!

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