without sharp edges

all of a sudden,
a huge bang like a gunshot.
and the passenger side window shattered.

a negative fluke of circumstances:
a man using a weedeater.
a large rock flung up.
and me, driving by at that exact moment.

thankful for tempered glass.
during the tempering process,
a significant amount of energy is produced.

when this safety glass breaks,
the energy is released.
and the window shatters into small pebble-like pieces.

without sharp edges.

shielding the rider from flying glass.

an interesting analogy.
rumblings lately as if something were about to burst.

nothing major.
an aggregate of annoyances.
everyday trials.
feeling misunderstood.
subtle hints that change is imminent.

a lesson, after releasing the energy, in tempering my emotions.
good, bad.

without sharp edges.

protecting me from far-reaching consequences.

ever have a life message hit you squarely in the face?
(hopefully the edges were not too sharp.)
share it with me in the commments.
get my free course!

15 Responses to without sharp edges

  1. April, your poetry and connection to metaphor is SO beautiful – I’m grateful that you learned the lesson without the “pain” that often comes with it!

    And to answer your question…YES, I have had life messages come flying in at me, sweep past my vision while I’m driving, whisper to me in the middle of a crowded room…a life of awareness has given me the opportunity to receive these lessons in so many amazing shapes and forms!

  2. Silvia says:

    April. Brilliant analogy and beautiful poetry. Life teaches us in the most unsuspected ways doesn’t it?

  3. April seems like somethings brewing! Beautiful word that travel the path to get there.

  4. April says:

    WOW April! You really have a way of drawing me into your posts. I’m so glad you weren’t hurt! I LOVE your analogy, truly brilliant!! I have had life messages give me a smack upside the head and boy oh boy when I listened and paid attention I experienced so much growth. Thank you for this most memorable post!! <3

  5. Michelle says:

    Yep. I’ve been receiving messages all summer. It’s been an *interesting* season. Some edges have been sharp; some have been blunt.

    Honestly, I’m ready to just float for just awhile. I’m tired of deciphering. Tired, tired, tired.

    I’m glad you’re well and safe, April! xo

  6. Deb says:

    April, are you punlishing a poetry book? Doing poetry readings? You have a gift! Love deb

  7. Susie says:

    I simply love how you weave your words!

  8. Cathy says:

    Beautiful poetry!

    This is exactly how I dealt with a sticky situation last week: gathered all the anger (at myself and others), the regret, the shame into a ball that I could simmer with a little forgiveness, so that when it all came to light, the discussion happened without pain or accusations. And then we moved on.

  9. Heather says:

    I have had many life messages hit me in the face like that – significant dreams with my father talking..and when he comes to my dreams, I listen. Sounds silly but I believe in it!

  10. Stacey says:

    Wow, April…once again, right from the beginning, completely drawn into your post and left with an extreme amount of curiosity…maybe the coach in me is coming out to play! Yes, I too have had many life lessons smack me back into reality, propel me forward, or simply take my breath away in a panic. Life’s greatest lessons have helped me become the woman I am today!

  11. Kathleen says:

    Yes, I’ve had big life messages that I’ve listened to. And I think this is it, this is the path, and then something changes and I wonder why something happened. Now looking back I can see reasons why certain things happened. Sometimes it’s tough though when you’re going through something and want the message now – patience isn’t my strong suit!

    Thank you April for these lovely words that have so much meaning!

  12. Wow. I’ve had a few sharp-edged experiences in my life! As I’ve learned and grown, things are no longer sharp-edged, or at least much less so. I think the phrase “without sharp edges” could be a life philosophy. There’s a lot of power and meaning contained in those words and in that analogy.

  13. Lorna Scott says:

    What a great analogy! What a perfect picture for how everyday days add up and ‘burst” without a obvious “sharpness.”

  14. Maria says:

    Thought provoking – interesting analogy indeed. Maria xx

  15. This was so timely. I am having some life messages hit me square in the face now. I’m not quite sure what they mean, but for some reason these messages keep delaying my World Tour.

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