why i pay attention to signs from the universe

i absolutely love coffee.
i adore it, i crave it, i savor it.

so it wasn’t that much of a surprise to me when,
during my three-day solo retreat in early may,
i received a sign from the universe . . . via a coffee carafe.

as i was making my first batch of caffeine that weekend,
i noticed that the glass decanter was slightly askew,
a bit off center.

it didn’t line up, it was in a crooked position.
turned a tad to the left of the expected or proper direction.
(similar to the way i have personally felt now and again.)

i’d been reading joan anderson’s a weekend to change your life.
in the book, she talks about finding symbols on beach walks.
reminders of your life journey and the rediscovery of yourself.
shells or rocks or pieces of seaweed through which you garner meaning.

well, i wasn’t at the beach.
and i didn’t find a piece of wonderment from the natural world.
but there was something about that lopsided coffee carafe.
a tangible sign that i could identify with nonetheless.

and as ideas and plans began brewing during the retreat,
as i tossed some and embraced others,
as they percolated in their rich freshness,
i started appreciating the parallels.

the carafe wasn’t perfect, but it still worked.
i could still pour the coffee by angling my arm a bit.
it still yielded a delicious result.

i didn’t have to be perfect either.
i didn’t have to have a fully-formed path to my future.
i just needed to keep at it, however circuitous my route.
to never stop working, to continue producing results.


some may scoff or tease, but i actually do believe in signs.
i always have.
(you may recall this previous post of mine.)

i guess it’s just my own version of religion.
i’ll call it intuitive awareness.

being observant enough to notice.
then listening to what your gut, your soul, is trying so hard to tell you.
and finally deriving wisdom and flow from the lesson being offered.

haven’t i always promoted the idea that “the answers are inside you?”

it’s feeling work, not head work.
subtle vs. forced.
deep knowing vs. superficiality.

rules abound about receiving signs from the universe:
“it has to happen three times before it’s a sign.”
“don’t actively look for the signs, let them happen naturally.”
“set a timeframe for the sign to appear.”

here is what i think.
i think i already know what i need to do.
i know what i would like to see happen.
i intuitively know what makes sense for me.

the signs i see reinforce beliefs i just haven’t vocalized yet.
they give me the green light to proceed.
in a direction that hasn’t reached full consciousness yet.

so i can stop fretting, stop second-guessing myself.
it’s a way to give myself permission to go ahead.
a quirky, unusual, and refreshing way.

metaphors, coincidences, analogies.
moments of clarity.
whatever you call it.

when i remain unsuppressed and open to the possibilities?
that is when those signs from the universe arrive.

when my world then expands before my eyes as i connect the abundant patterns?
that is why i pay attention when they do.


though not immediately obvious to me at first,
a slight twist of the handle straightened the carafe.
it was skewed but then, with an easy adjustment, it was realigned.

when i find myself off course and floundering,
i need only search for that slight modification that will reorient me.
that will enable the creativity and insight to once more pour freely from the vessel.
what is your take on receiving “signs from the universe?”
please share.
get my free course!

60 Responses to why i pay attention to signs from the universe

  1. Sam says:

    I love this article!
    I’ve been spending a lot of time over the last 6-ish months learning to listen to my intuition, and I think you’re so right – often the signs we see are just things that allow us to move in the direction we already knew was the right path.
    What do you do when the ‘slight modification that will reorient’ you is slow in showing up? Wait out of alignment?

    • April Lee says:

      sigh, sam. sometimes that “slight modification” takes awhile to straighten out, doesn’t it? i’m not a very patient person, so i admit i can get a bit frustrated waiting. recently i have been trying to lean into that feeling of misalignment, trying to explore it deeper. i write (A LOT) when i’m feeling that way, in an attempt to make better sense of it all. and that’s usually how i end up reorienting myself.

  2. Stacey says:

    I’m in complete agreement with noticing signs from the Universe (as well as being a huge fan of coffee!)…this was a really nice post about how if you really pay attention, completely present in the subtle moments of life, you can recognize the signs. Sometimes I can be so busy in my thoughts that I am distracted from noticing…you always have nice reminders to share about living in the NOW and how beneficial it is.

    • April Lee says:

      thanks, stacey. i can definitely get distracted myself. interestingly, i’ve been much more aware of these signs since i started writing this blog (i guess i’m always looking for material! :)).

  3. April, I love the way you allow your experiences to filter through you and come through as a delicious brew of words that I can savour and enjoy…yes, much like that slightly askew cup of perfectly imperfect coffee :).

  4. Cheryl says:

    Signs have been coming my way for a while now. I am sure they have always been there, but now I am tuned in and see so much synchronicity. I’m not always sure how to interpret what is coming to me.

    • April Lee says:

      it sounds as if you are interpreting the signs, cheryl, if you’re noticing synchronicity (?). sometimes it takes me awhile and, sadly, sometimes i miss the lesson completely.

  5. Jillian says:

    This is beautiful! Thank you so much for this. I think I really needed to hear it today. I also struggle with my lack of perfection, which is such a silly thing to struggle with because let’s face it — I’ll probably never get “there.” I just have to do the best I can with what I have and remember to value myself. Thank you!

    • April Lee says:

      thank you for your kind words, jillian. i finally came to the realization that “perfect” is a just-out-of-reach goal. but we can be our very best! πŸ™‚

  6. Hey April

    I loved this post. It was little like reading a piece of poetry too.

    I liked your take on seeing signs in simple little things like the askew handle on the pot.

    I’m going to remember this over the next week and pay more attention to the things that catch my eye.

    Clare xx

  7. Jewels says:

    I have become so attuned to listening to divine messages. I even couch my clients on how to do it. As you say so well, β€œthe answers are inside you”. Thank you for your inspiring post. looking forward to the next read!

  8. Cathy says:

    I’m going to take this post as a sign to keep going with my particular flavour of spiritual practice: to find the spiritual moment in the every day.

    And your story about the coffee carafe reminds me of a particular principle in Japanese art (the exact word escapes me right now) in which the beauty of an object emerges BECAUSE of the small flaws and imperfections that make it unique.

    • April Lee says:

      oh, cathy – i had to look this up! are you referring to wabi-sabi?

      • April Lee says:

        just had to add this, cathy – one of the articles i tabbed to read later about wabi-sabi had a link to another article in it entitled “it’s a sign” (!!!!). it’s a sign! πŸ™‚

        • Cathy says:

          Reading your reply today was like a nod from the Universe. I’ve just agreed to do something a little “out there”, and you’ve reminded me yet again that the quirky bits point to the beauty & purpose. <3

  9. Beth says:

    Whew, I thought you were going to say you had to give up coffee. I believe in signs too. I once got a “sign” in the form of a word on a semi truck – it was amazing.

  10. Kate says:

    Love this so much…especially “i didn’t have to be perfect either.
    i didn’t have to have a fully-formed path to my future.
    i just needed to keep at it, however circuitous my route.
    to never stop working, to continue producing results”

    Thanks for a wonderful post

  11. Susie says:

    This reminds me of my last iPhone. I had dropped it and cracked the screen. Whenever anyone would see it they would ask why I didn’t get it fixed or get a new one. My response was ‘Everything I see the screen it reminds me that even though it’s not perfect, it still works’. I guess it was my sign πŸ˜‰

  12. April so simple, yet so powerful! Signs are all around us, even within us, if we pay attention. I love that you pay attention.

  13. I love your posts, April, and this one is beautiful. I believe in signs and messages from the universe as well. I don’t have any “rules,” specifically. I just know when something is a sign or an answer or a message for me.

  14. When I was focused on climbing the corporate ladder, I used to dismiss ‘signs’ and ‘intuition’. I thought it was rubbish. B

    And as I grew older and wiser, I realised that your intuition is your most powerful asset. Now I let it guide me.

    • April Lee says:

      i have always relied on my intuition, laura – but i can definitely see your former perspective through my rational husband’s eyes. (he has marveled at my “gut feelings” though. :)) actually i see him employing his intuition quite often – i think he may recognize it by another name though.

  15. Ramona says:

    Cheers to the universe! I am a big believer of signs and synchronicity as well. But most of all, I believe in my (and our!) intuition. Our heart and soul always, ALWAYS know best – and sometimes, a little something like an imperfect coffee carafe makes us embrace & trust our own imperfection. And thus our intuition. What a wonderful article April!

  16. Jamie says:

    OMG this was delicious. And I may say that a non-perfect carafe suddenly becomes so much more endearing than all of the perfect ones you cannot tell apart!

  17. Lisa says:

    What a great post April. I really enjoyed this. We have to appreciate the imperfection because life wouldn’t be as sweet if it was perfect. We just have to keep going in whatever way we know how and the universe will help us along the way..as long as we are open and accepting.

  18. Michelle says:

    I am a total “sign” person. I think when we notice “signs”, it’s our intuition listening closely. Very closely. πŸ™‚

  19. Cathy Sykora says:

    Great post! It is always amazing what comes up in the strangest of ways when we aren’t searching for answers, but receptive to them. I love that you found something deep in your coffee carafe. It’s like that amazing aha moment where other things that seemingly have no relation suddenly make sense and you are left wondering how you didn’t see it before. I love it when my life is in alignment with the present moment and those moments come in abundance. For me, they always seem to ebb and flow.

    • April Lee says:

      “when we aren’t searching for answers, but receptive to them.” yes, cathy, i think this is key to being open to what the universe wants to tell us.

  20. Elizabeth MacLeod says:

    Beautiful. As usual. Love your posts. Syncronicities and me have a long relationship. What ever they are, they arrive, in many forms, through many different people, and like you, it doesn’t matter how they arrive… it only matters that they are there, and I get to experience how connected we all are… even to the coffee caraf!!!!!

  21. I love signs from the universe and live for them! Especially numbers in a row like 11:11, 2:22 ect. I feel like when I see them I’m on the right path.

    Also, when I talk or think about something and it shows up super fast, then I know it’s a sign from the universe. When I manifest something quickly that isn’t positive, it really makes me stop, think, and start projecting happiness again!!

  22. Deb Lange says:

    Yes, April, I am with you too! When we connect deeply with ourselves, we are guided, yes, it takes noticing! Amazing to see not just what turns up, but what is there already, but until you pay attention to energy, the present moment, your feelings, etc, yiu can miss out on so much richness we have right within us. Everyone goes searching when it is all right here!

    • April Lee says:

      “everyone goes searching when it is all right here!” love that, deb. i am always reminding my clients that their answers are inside of them. what is needed is awareness and a little bit of gentle coaxing.

  23. I like this April! I call these signs, God’s Whispers. He is trying to help us to stay on our path and not stray away from our Life’s Purpose. I agree…the only way to hear these Purposeful Whispers is to connect with yourself and be present.

  24. Marie Pulnik says:

    I have learned to look for signs in nature like on a walk or in my garden. I also meditate at church and ask for answers. When I find a feather I believe its a hello from my Dad(died when I was7yrs old) and it makes me happy. Marie

    • April Lee says:

      hi, cousin marie! so glad you stopped by. πŸ™‚ aw, love the feather/dad connection. i see signs from my mom all the time – i know she’s here with me.

  25. roxy says:

    Loved the way you used your coffee analogy and the delicious use of your wording! I am HUGE believer in signs from the Universe – its how live my life since discovering Life’s Magic! It’s what gets me through life’s challenges and mysteries and unanswered questions and it’s what allowed me to find my life purpose.. But i agree with you a lot of peeps scoff at it (i was one of them!) until you ‘get it’.. i think it’s all about timing and alignment.. Another fab post April! πŸ™‚ <3 xx

    • April Lee says:

      ooh, another use of the word “delicious” to describe my post – i’m in heaven! πŸ™‚ thank you, roxy, for your always treasured insights.

  26. Judy Tweal says:

    Yep I am a sign-seeker and sign-noticer too! Sometimes I wait to see it more than once, but often I take a sign the first time I notice it. Lately I’ve been seeing lots of doubles and things in pairs. Duality. Partnership. Mirroring. Thank you for sharing this story and reminding me how a simple sign can change the course of one’s day – or even life.

  27. farah says:

    I think using metaphors and symbols to give our thoughts and feelings some clarity is wonderful, releasing and exercises our imagination!

  28. Nina says:

    What an awesome post! This is so true – we need to be paying attention to these small things. It’s funny – on Friday, I just started liking coffee. I never thought I would like it, but turns out, it’s amazing! I just didn’t know what good coffee was yet…. but since I am an entrepreneur I looked at that as a sign. Even though I work 15 hour days sometimes (at least now I can make it through with a lot more energy from coffee πŸ™‚ ) , it is all worth it. And I saw an interview with Mark Cuban where he said that for entrepreneurs, coffee is a food group. Guess I am officially doing what I was put on the planet to do!

    • April Lee says:

      how funny that you just started drinking coffee, nina – i can’t imagine life without it! i totally agree with mark cuban’s assessment (and i admire him as well).

  29. I missed this post, April. When I looked at the date I knew why.

    I, too, am a believer in signs from the universe. That’s why Tarot cards and angel cards and Goddess cards and Archetype cards, all this cards, are such valuable healing tools. They open us up to that which lies just below the surface of our consciousness. Like dreams. For me, it needs to be a practice or I forget to look. I’m consciously calling this 365 days of noticing. Every day I am consciously capturing a slice of my life on film or on paper to cultivate just that, attention to the signs. Thank you.

  30. April Lee says:

    i’ve been enjoying your 365 days of noticing on facebook, sue ann!

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