who are you?

“the most common despair is not choosing, or willing, to be oneself.
but the deepest form of despair is to choose to be another than oneself.”

~19th century danish philosopher soren kierkegaard
who are you?

do you even know?
did you ever know?

would you recognize yourself if you caught a glimpse of the real you?

what is your true longing?
your true desire?
your true essence?

how many times have you done the accepted thing?
gone down the expected path?
sacrificed your own needs and wants in order to stay safe?
to not stand out?
sacrificed your authenticity?
we all waver at times.
we second-guess.
we make choices we regret.
or worse yet, we don’t choose at all.

are you living your own life?
or someone else’s?

don’t waste your time.
today is your only opportunity.
be the person you want to be.
the one struggling to break free.

allow the essence7 journey to guide you back to yourself:

  1. awareness – curiosity. possibility. patterns.
  2. movement – energy. challenge. acceleration.
  3. nourishment – appetite. creativity. purpose.
  4. voice – honesty. premium-thinking. expression.
  5. delight – priority. self-care. fascination.
  6. grit – flexibility. determination. courage.
  7. untethered integration – destination. originality. very-best-self.

perhaps only a wishful daydream at present.
but we do have a choice.
each of us can choose to bring forth the exquisite sunshine of our soul.
the actual person we know we can be.
conquer the fears that keep you from blooming.

don’t wait.
don’t wait.
don’t wait.
who are you?

choose to be oneself.
do not despair.

learn more about my 7 essential elements:
get my free course!


8 Responses to who are you?

  1. Love it, April! This: “the most common despair is not choosing, or willing, to be oneself. but the deepest form of despair is to choose to be another than oneself” is why I do what I do. I became someone else in my life and it took a long time to find me again, love me and express me. Now I love to help other women do the same :).

  2. Oh how I love that quote. Thank you. The best thing about the second half of life journey is that we can look back on all that those choices we regretted and see that they were part of the path that led us to grace. Compassion. Curiosity. Grace.
    Thank you for your poetry and your voice. xxoo

  3. Angela says:

    Thank you April. This is exactly where I am right now.

  4. Cathy says:

    Knowing who I am has been the easy part. Expressing her fully is the challenge. Hmm, a challenge when sitting in fear, but sublime ease when I’m in it!

  5. Megan says:

    This is so important. It can be so easy to get lost and pretend to be someone else. To hide. To portray who we think everyone wants us to be. But then we aren’t aligned and it all feels so wrong.

    Thank you for this lovely reminder.

  6. Cathy Sykora says:

    Thank you for this, it is so important. We try not to lose our way but at times we do…thankfully there is so much help, so much bonding out there, so many people that want to make the difference with you. Determination and courage will get you back where you need to be, just believe in yourself!

  7. Beautiful reminders here…and I think there is so much pressure to look outside of ourselves these days for the answers..so good to be reminded that we actually HAVE THE ANSWERS in ourselves..we just need to look 🙂

  8. victoria m. says:

    Yes, sometimes I just need the mind-chatter to be silent for a minute so I can really get in touch with who I AM..

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