what i would like to say to you . . .

every day i wake up and sort through the words of wisdom
that have found their way into my inbox overnight.

words of encouragement and inspiration,
of laughter and hope,
sometimes even of sadness.

my brain sifts through them one by one,
trying to sort and file and reframe.
trying to make sense of it all.
trying to incorporate others’ experiences into my own.

some days i feel open and elevated,
grateful for the intellectual stretches the words allow me.

other days i simply feel bombarded.
engulfed and consumed by too much information,
until i can’t take any more in.
what’s already there needs time to incubate, to assimilate.

we are endlessly learning from each other.
the give-and-take in an ordinary day is sacred and essential.

but there are times when silence and solitude
is what is needed most.
a solo journey to discover one’s deep essence
becomes the paramount task.

what i would like to say to you . . .


  • be aware of your unique rhythms and needs
  • identify with others but set your own course
  • discover the fuel that propels you forward
  • be at least a little brave each day
  • do not hesitate to stretch your limits
  • reach higher than you can grasp right now
  • marvel at your inevitable progress


get my free course!

31 Responses to what i would like to say to you . . .

  1. Rick says:

    Those seven steps are a great plan for every day. Especially reaching beyond myself and appreciating the results.

  2. Sheila says:

    Sometimes I think you are in my head. I love this and will print it out as a reminder.

  3. Beautiful, April! I can relate and I love your wisdom about it.

  4. Great post! I love the idea of being a little brave every single day! I promise to find one thing a day! xoxo, Ali

  5. Beautiful. . . . Simply, eloquently, deeply, Beautiful.

  6. Susie says:

    I love each of your 7 points. The one that jumped out for me was identify with others but chart your own course. (I have always beaten to my own drum, so to speak 😉

  7. farah says:

    Hi April 🙂 I love all 7 of these nuggets. “Marvel at your inevitable progress” stood out for me. doing the ‘scary stuff’ needs to get done once- that’s it. Then marvel at your own bravery 🙂 Then do the thing that’s next. Totally agree, thanks x

  8. Lisa says:

    Hi April~

    Great advice. Definitely resonate with this one:
    ‘Other days i simply feel bombarded.
    engulfed and consumed by too much information”

    Um, yes. Information overload can be daunting and finding quite time is key.

  9. Tania Mercer says:

    April, I love how you write. Direct and to the point. I totally agree with the seven things to say to you.. 🙂
    I also totally 100% agree with: But there are times when silence and solitude is what is needed most.
    Thank you!

  10. Michelle says:

    These are fantastic, April. I foresee these as post-it note reminders on my bathroom mirror. Powerful. 🙂

  11. Deb says:

    gorgeous, yes sometimes filling ourselves with up with everyone’s else’s ideas is inspiration, and at other times is noise. So to find the times for our own silence to allow our own wisdom to emerge is priceless! thanks for sharing your inner wisdom!

  12. Bon says:

    I have been trying to stay mindful lately, to really check in with myself, to be present. WHY is that so much freakin’ work?!? Thank you for this. I love your writing style.

  13. As an introvert, I have no problem being alone. But, I am now learning how to, “Reach higher than you can grasp…”

    Thanks you April, I always look forward to your words of wisdom.

  14. Cathy says:

    Simply sublime, April.
    Identify with others, but set your own course: I think that may have to go on my mirror for the week.

  15. Teresa says:

    Hi April~

    It’s my first time posting here. :]

    Succinctly written with a nice splash of ZEAL~ I echo your thoughts and appreciate your welcoming reminders~

    Have a lovely week,

  16. April Lee says:

    welcome, teresa – i’m so glad you stopped by! and thank you for your kind words. 🙂

  17. Sam says:

    And so beautifully written again.

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