my everyday life. in italy.

wikipedia defines “everyday life” as that which
“comprises the ways in which people typically
act, think, and feel on a daily basis.”

though it still sounds like a fantastical oxymoron to me,
here are some recent examples of
my everyday life. in italy.

  • bird-watching cats and snoozing-in-the-sunshine cats and image-admiring cats
  • a typical tuscan scene and surreal mountains and il verde della primavera
  • painting and tile work and IKEA instructions
  • an icky bug and a dusty house and a new haircut
  • verde alpi marble cove base and gilded walls and used-car test-driving
  • a stone 1690s bnb/restaurant and beautiful-roses-from-a-neglected-garden
  • a radiator that pops and amici dolci

and here, direct from villa magnolia (la mia amata casa), a few images of those events . . .

bird-watching cat

sunshine-snoozing cat 1

sunshine-snoozing cat 2

image-admiring cat

a typical tuscan scene

il verde della primavera

painted door

painted panel

tile work

IKEA instructions

an icky bug

a dusty house

a new haircut 1

verde alpi marble cove base

gilded walls

used-car test-driving

a stone 1690s bnb restaurant 2


a radiator that pops

amici dolci 1

amici dolci 3

amici dolci 2

and now to answer possible questions in advance . . .

  • YES, that was the first IKEA item that i put together all by myself.
  • YES, that bug was big! (and fast.)
  • NO, we did not buy a car. (yet.)
  • YES, one of the cars that we test drove did die FOUR times in the middle of traffic! and the salesman did hop out, throw open the hood, hook up a battery charger (that was conveniently located in the back seat), and charge it every time.
  • YES, i did paint that radiator to match the dresser i painted earlier.

and now it’s your turn . . .
tell me about something from YOUR everyday life.
stop imagining your best life
and begin living it instead.

embark on a self-discovery journey,
back to your true essence.

THE ARRIVAL, a retreat-no-more experience.

explore my 7 essential elements.
distilled down. LIVE.
in person. in ITALY.

THE ARRIVAL- retreat no more

get the in-depth details:
THE ARRIVAL (in italy)

or just skim through the highlights:
THE ARRIVAL (at a glance)

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5 Responses to my everyday life. in italy.

  1. Angela says:

    Love it April! 🙂 The last 3 pictures are my favourites! Who’s in all of them with you? I love all of the pictures you share. Fun!!! Love it. Well ok, I don’t like bugs…creepy, crawly…lolol I think that they’re interesting though. Weird I know but I do. Anyway, great post. 🙂 Thanks for sharing with us. 🙂 That makes me smile.

  2. What a beautiful glimpse into your everyday life April! The view is to die for & I just adore that rose and the gorgeous ceiling and chandelier. I think you could probably write a book – that story about charging the battery on a test drive is hilarious! Life for me is definitely not everyday – I’m cruising down the Murray River on a houseboat with friends – bliss!

  3. Pam says:

    This is a beautiful glimpse into the “everyday’ All the images are a great reminder to explore, and also take joy in the everyday. I am partial to the cat ones of course :)) And I love your work space!

  4. Erin says:

    Life overseas is definitely busy and interesting, and you did so many things in the past few weeks. I really love the last two pictures of yours, it seems you are settled and enjoy your everyday’s life and new adventure in Italy.

  5. Jul's says:

    Love the photos and your sharing your everyday life—which seems like a fairytale when I see the beauty of your home and surroundings with a dash of hard work seeing the renovations. So impressive and love the new haircut! What a blessed adventure and you look very happy.

    I am taking my journey one day at a time, following breadcrumbs to see where it takes me.

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