
you are . . .


you are enough.
you will . . .

keep going.

you do enough.
so many possible worries . . .

about your health.
about your relationships.
about your money.
about your effectiveness.
feeling stuck . . .

in your career.
in your circumstances.
in your comparison to others.
in your thoughts that tear you down.
head up.
face forward to the road ahead.

because you are . . .


you are enough.
because you will . . .

keep going.

you do enough.
take responsibility.
take action.

change what you can.
change the way you look at the rest.

speak up with your unique voice.
speak up to be heard.

push the pressures firmly to the side.
push them with an extra hard shove if necessary.
because you are . . .


you are enough.
because you will . . .

keep going.

you do enough.
now go.
take this humble beginning.
and make it into something profound.
embrace and embody



how do YOU remind yourself that you are enough?
that you do enough?

welcome in 2015 with a transformative journey
through my 7 essential elements.

a delicious encounter with self.
get my free course!


15 Responses to enough.

  1. “Enough” is a great word for me for 2015! Thanks for the permission. xo

  2. Stacey says:

    Love this April! I’ve always said that when I feel I am “enough” there is no struggle…no internal conflict or chaos…only peace and calm! Some days are easier than others, but this chant is a brilliant reminder in the midst of a very busy transition period for me! Thanks for the reminder that I am enough today and every day moving forward 🙂

  3. My word for the year is spacious but my theme for life is enough. I’m afraid I am hardwired to strive. Always a work in progress. Thank you for giving me such a beautiful entry point to ‘enough.”

  4. Maria says:

    Just lovely April – beautiful reminder xx

  5. Deb says:

    yes, thanks for the reminder _ I am enough! I always think I need to know more ! this year “I intend to be out there – where you are” – a bit more thane word!

  6. April says:

    So beautiful in it’s simplicity. It’s not a complicated road to reach another’s heart. Such a gift you have April. Thank you for the beautiful reminder!

  7. Lori says:

    This is a wonderful reminder to accept oneself. Also, very well timed as we all begin a New Year filled with promise. Thank you for the encouragement.

  8. Dana says:

    April,thanks for the reminder to be in the moment of our enoughness right now..I too am a striver, looking for that place of better.

  9. Cathy Sykora says:

    head up.
    face forward to the road ahead.
    I think sometimes we all need the reminder, helps us to maintain that healthy and positive mind!! Nothing better to start the new year with, thank you for encouraging us!

  10. Michelle says:

    I am enough already! 🙂

    When I find perfectionism sneaking into my life, I remind myself (gently) that I am enough. I used to be really hard on myself in my youth. I try not to do that anymore.

  11. Susie says:

    The only thing that is not enough are your words. Love how you express everything so beautifully!!

  12. Brenda says:

    April, what a wonderful confidence booster! As always your lovely prose inspires and delights…I am enough! Thank you!

  13. Mama Char says:

    I am more than enough! Thanks for the reminder baby girl! I have always been enough and as I grow in my spirit I have become more than enough!! Blessings…

  14. Mui says:

    Love your unique way of writing as always. “I am enough” is such a powerful mindset. It’s taken me years to realise that I am enough. Better late than never!

  15. Tough question. It’s hard to answer. I often think about how I’m not doing enough… and when I feel like that too much, I have to stop, and make a list of all the great in my life. There is SO MUCH!! And sometimes I look at a photo of our galaxy and that dot that is Earth. It’s a good way to ground myself!!

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