christmas courage

the christmas season
is filled with cheer and joy.

except when it isn’t.

except when it is
full of grief.
sometimes it isn’t all merry merry,
cookies in the oven,
perfect wreath on the door.

sometimes it’s trying to crush resentment
just for a day, in order to
open gifts and sing christmas carols.

sometimes it’s eating christmas dinner
at a 24-hour diner, because you just want to
be close to the hospital where your loved one lies.

sometimes it’s a reminder
of what was or
what could have been or
what can be.

it somehow misses
the mark.
falls short.

and the day’s expectations,
the world’s expectations,
feel more prominent.
the loss greater.
for these christmases
i wish you peace.

an inner contentment,
deep breaths,
and hope.
i wish you:



















i wish you a brighter tomorrow.
get my free course!


14 Responses to christmas courage

  1. Rick says:

    Christmas is a great day to rise above, to move a little closer to your ideal. Thanks for this encouraging, poetic reminder.

  2. Marianne says:

    Thanks for this April. I woke up yesterday with so much resentment I couldn’t go back to sleep (it was 5am). I was so mad that my Christmases are not how I picture them to be. But then something snapped and I realized that Christmas is what you make it, not what you hope it looks like and I realized i had to get up and make it as good as I could make it regardless of my family not being with us, etc. etc. because what’s most important is creating new memories for my son.

    • April Lee says:

      i greatly admire the way you embraced the holiday for your son, marianne. i’d been sporting a scrooge-like attitude this year because of family drama, and then my 2 sons (16 and 21) hauled out the decorations and transformed our living room into a magical place. they softened my heart as well. 🙂

  3. Vicky White says:

    Thank you for this reminder April – Christmas can be one of the hardest times of year for many!

  4. I deeply appreciate your compassionate view of Christmas in some/many peoples’ lives. This is just so true and it reminds us all to open our hearts. I completely love how you transformed the word Christmas to have so many encouraging meanings.

  5. What a beautiful reminder to enjoy the season. Thanks for sharing!

  6. For me, Christmas brings myriad feelings and memories, emotions and resolve. I was SO PROUD of the boundaries I drew, the rituals I created, and the solitude I savored. And then… the agitation crept in when I least expected it: unannounced, unprovoked, unwelcome … and I remembered that sometimes the best laid plans are superseded by a cellular memory or life circumstances over which I have no control and I simply must surrender. Thank you for the reminder that I’m not alone. xxxooo

  7. Elizabeth MacLeod says:

    This year, I happened to see Bryon Katies new years relationship cleanse video… and I laughed so hard… I mean.. all these things that we want, or think we want… is it true.. .??? and mostly, I come back to … nahhh… even though I might feel sad sometimes… and I realize that I had a really great day… it took a long time to arrive here… and I appreciated reading what you wrote…. I’m going to share it with others so they won’t feel so alone… … thanks April… xo

  8. April says:

    Thank you for this beautiful acknowledgement of those who aren’t experiencing the holiday season with joy. I have several friends who unfortunately only experience sadness and pain this time of year. You hit the core again April! <3

  9. Dana says:

    Where to start April…this is poetic beauty. I too struggle with a myriad of memories and emotions at Christmas. My mother set a big trap by creating the most perfect Christmas’for us. Tradition still runs deep even when I don’t feel it. Her birthday is Christmas day..this time of year is a mix of many things for me, pressure, sadness, and lots of joy too. It’s a lot for everyone I think, too much at times really. Thanks for saying so. xx

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