battle for an amplified life

how much longer could she withstand the darkness?
the blanket of gloom enveloping her formerly bright existence.

the light extinguished.
figuratively and literally.
black. very black.
and quiet. too quiet.
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how to push through, to climb up, to claw your way back to the top?

think of self.

live for self.

and slowly begin to transform.
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what do i mean when i ask a client to find her essence?

discovering her essence means determining what brings her joy, what makes her excited to wake up each morning.
it means delighting in what fills her with drive and passion, what expands her life.
it means noticing which challenging situations she revels in.
it means unlocking the secret plans to her unique blueprint.
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would you like to open your mind to an amazing inner world?
to think outside the box and make your ideal life materialize?

then don’t settle.

for a disappointing relationship.
or an unfulfilling job.
or in an unsatisfactory, ill-fitting location.

and don’t settle for ideas that are beneath your potential either.


search your heart and your mind for connections.

surround yourself with people and projects and objects that contribute to your aim.

places matter too.
are you in the best geographical location for your well-being?
does your physical address lift you up or bring you down?

what makes you light up?
what makes you come alive?
dive in and discover the answers.
and explore the reasons why.
then put the pieces together.

stretch and grow and fail and get back up.
don’t give up your identity or your authenticity.

be bold in your deliberate mission.
and free yourself from conventional constraints.

a bold. free. new life.

your life.
reclaimed? finally begun? expanded?

if you’re ready to begin creating the path to your essence,
if you’re eager for a bold free new life,
please contact me.
if you have an essence journey of your own to share,
please leave a comment below.
get my free course!

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