all you have to do

How many times have you done what’s expected (or accepted)? Sacrificed your own wants and needs in order to stay safe, to avoid standing out, to take care of everyone but yourself? How many times have you surrendered your own authenticity?

When is it time to begin paying attention to your long-held dreams, your secret ambitions? To stop imagining your best life and begin living it instead?

Come with me on a journey of self-exploration and discovery to a place of incomparable joy . . .

THE ARRIVAL: the quintessential essence7 journey to making your dreams come true

My all-encompassing goal as an adult has been to understand, to connect to, and to embody my essence. My company, essence7 wellness, arose from this endeavor. This retreat-no-more experience explores the 7 essential elements that form the core of my personal philosophy, my driving force. Distilled down. LIVE. In person. In Italy.

1. Awareness.

The awareness assignment: mindful steps.
Curiosity. Observation. Possibility. Patterns.


2. Movement.

The momentum of movement: in the right direction.
Energy. Challenge. Acceleration. Action.


3. Nourishment.

The nourishment ingredient: body-and-soul enlightenment.
Appetite. Creativity. Purpose. Pursuit.


4. Voice.

Your vibrant, valuable, vivacious voice: assertiveness and assurance.
Honesty. Expression. Navigation. Distinction.


5. Zest.

The zest quest: in search of wholeness.
Inspiration. Delight. Priority. Fascination.


6. Grit.

Chasing down grit: bravery and strength.
Flexibility. Courage. Determination. Commitment.


7. Untethered integration.

Your unique and final destination: a bold free new life.
Confident reliance on self. Wholeness.

Reinvention (very-best-self).
Originality (freedom).
Ingenuity (enlightenment).
Arrival (actualization).

Seemingly simple concepts. Amazingly effective when consistently and wholeheartedly applied.

Have I myself arrived? I don’t think a person is ever fully complete, ever fully arrives. But I am proof that dreams, desires, wishes, and goals can absolutely be realized. And throughout this process, I’ve become somewhat of an expert on my own life.

You are the authority, the decision-maker, the dream-diver when it comes to your life. Perhaps your vision – seeking, searching, exploring, experimenting – has been stalled. But the questioning and the stretching and the wondering continue to make you feel alive, to assure you that life has meaning.

What animates you? What elevates you? What invigorates you? What exhilarates you?

Life often feels like a blur, like a whirlwind of events . . . when we don’t have a moment to even take a breath or have a coherent thought. But we still need to pause. To listen to our inner needs.

What is your soul whispering to you, perhaps even screaming at you? Are you listening? Are you doing these things?

I can help guide you. I can gently (or not so gently) nudge you in the direction you wish to go. Because I think your dreams matter. And I think it’s time to embrace them.

Rediscovering or reinventing yourself may seem a daunting task, fraught with discomfort and fear. Maybe you’ve kept the woman you truly are hidden away for a very long while. Maybe you’re not even sure you will recognize her when she does eventually emerge. And to be able to trust her on this excursion into the unknown probably seems very foreign indeed.

You’re right, of course. It will most likely be a bumpy flight at times. In fact, it’s a guarantee you will encounter turbulence along the way. There will be delays in your progress, perhaps even a cancellation of the goals and dreams that no longer align with your true self. You will find yourself laying over, waiting for the next revelation, perhaps longer than you’d previously felt comfortable with. (Of course, I’ll try to make the journey as smooth as possible in our five days together.)

Life-changing doesn’t necessarily mean mind-blowing or shattering though. It means one or two important adjustments that make daily existence easier and more meaningful. A simply beautiful transformation.

Think of my 7 essential elements as a holistic invitation. The essence7 journey is a discovery, a celebration, a stepping stone along the way to becoming a fully integrated person. And the women who go through this unique process? Magnificent. They are the reason I am so committed to THE ARRIVAL revolution. To its powerful message.

Hope. Freedom. Openness. Light. All contained within. Are you ready to allow the essence7 journey to guide you back to yourself?

All you have to do is meet me in Italy.


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