7 things i appreciate today



small town hospitality, especially during the holidays

[the local post office]



the new creative group i’m forming with a dear friend


travel experiences that have challenged me to stretch my limits

[at the beach in barcelona, spain]



my husband, who can figure anything out and make everything okay


my two sons with their curiosity, ambition, and diligence


coziness-and-purpose, as i write/dream/scheme near my fireplace and cats


and YOU, my readers, who open these studio notes each week and invite me in

please share at least one thing you appreciate today.

and thank you again for visiting my global studio.
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8 Responses to 7 things i appreciate today

  1. I appreciate my friends and family for their un-ending love and support! I’m a whirlwind so I know it’s not always easy.

  2. Hi, April …

    I am hard-pressed to choose just 1 thing I appreciate … my life is so richly blessed. But I think I’ll choose … my new puppy. She’s just 6mo old, and still needs a lot of training – but she makes me laugh out loud many times a day with her antics, and she touches my heart with her purity and innocence.

    I’ve been a cat-person my whole life, but I always said that when I retire, I’d like to get a little dog … so that’s what I did. And what I’ve learned is that a cat is very independent and self-sufficient, whereas a dog (and particularly a puppy) is extremely needy and requires as much supervision as a little child.

    But even though she demands a lot of nurturing and patience, she brings a tremendous amount of joy into our home … and so I very much appreciate this little creature, and will do my best to give her a happy life.

    Thanks for the opportunity to say so …


  3. Kellee Mills says:

    I appreciate the fact that even though I am mired in sadness this holiday season, reading your notes always brings forth welcome emotions, happiness, love, and thankfulness for my friend!!

  4. Cathy Sykora says:

    There are so many things I appreciate today! First and foremost, I appreciate being able to have gratitude and see the blessings in almost any situation. I appreciate my family, being able to see and spend time with them over the holiday season. I appreciate having a career that I am passionate about that is able to contribute to the lives of others and is not only sustaining, but also very fulfilling. I appreciate the feeling of coming inside from the freezing cold into a warm home. I appreciate life!

    • April Lee says:

      what a captivating paragraph of gratitude, cathy! thank you for sharing what you appreciate here. it does indeed sound as if you appreciate life, and that makes me smile.

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