i am here to hear your story.

i have always attracted people’s stories.
strangers especially have responded to my apparent openness.
from passengers on a city bus to shoppers in a grocery store.
they seem to want to share their unique tales of life with me.
and i have been fascinated and honored to listen.

it hit me the other day that this is the crux of what i do.
in my work as a coach.
well, obviously.
i should know this already, right?
but maybe, just perhaps, i’d never really clarified it.
to myself, to my clients, to my readers.

that which is actually, but profoundly, simple.

i am here to hear your story.
i am here to listen.

i welcome the anecdotes, the narratives, the sagas.
how you engage and interact and exist on a daily basis.
out there surviving, in this big wide world.

storytelling is so important.
the act of connecting with another human being.
feeling heard without judgment.
savoring that compassionate response, that look of interest.

someone else attempting to understand.
what you’ve gone through.
your disappointments and your joys.
and trying to help you find the answers inside.
to the questions you’ve never asked before.
that have been jumbling up the pathways in your brain.

it is difficult at times to tell your story.
you have to have a sense of what you’re about.
a sense of self.

often coaching consists of unraveling just that.
delving into the experiences that have shaped you.
and brought you to this very point.

when someone listens, it opens up the doors.
to exactly who you are.
why you do the things you do.
how you can change what’s not working.
and fine tune your potential to find purpose.

everyone should have that opportunity.

i am here to hear your story.
i am here to listen.


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